Patti Roney

In 1996, I was a struggling single mother of 6 children who was upside down in finances and had lost my way on the path or journey of my life. I struggled for many years before one of the greatest miracles of my life was given to me. That was the day I found USANA and began to unveil the incredible integrity, vision and purpose of this company.

It is only once in a lifetime that we are given the opportunity to work with someone of the caliber of Dr. Myron Wentz, the Albert Einstein Award winner! I have been grateful for this opportunity every day for 15 years. It is through his vision, through his humanitarianism, and through his science that my family was given a new chapter in our lives and a new hope. We prayed…and we were given USANA.

I don’t know exactly when it happened. Somewhere along the journey of amazing products, powerful compensation, precious people, strong vision, integrity, accolades, purpose and freedom, I knew that I was not for sale! I knew that the Best is truly the Best! I knew that I was, and always would remain, “USANA for LIFE”. The deeper inside of the company I got, the deeper that conviction grew!

We need to find the BEST for ourselves and our families. And in Network Marketing, we also need to be the BEST and the most solid for our teams! Our teams need to know that we are able to be trusted and that whenever they need us, we will be there. My team is very very important to me, and I know it gives them confidence to realize that I am USANA…through and through…I AM USANA!

USANA is Trusted! USANA is Proven!
For my entire family, I speak gratefully!


Patti Roney
Dr. Wentz Vision Award 2009
Million Dollar Club Member
USANA Independent Distributor Council- USA
USANA Ruby Director
International Trainer & Speaker
Premier Platinum Pacesetter
Fortune 100 2007, 2009, 2010
Growth 100 2009
Children’s Champion Award 2007
Teamwork Award 2001 & 2002

About USANA Leader For Life

I'm a USANA Associate For Life.
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